Thursday, September 23, 2010

day 4

My body hurts. My arms are jello and my legs are on fire. Yoga and pilates within two days of each other was pretty ambitious for me.

Tomorrow I plan on eating some meat. Like, a lot of it. I haven't had a lot of meat lately and the carnivore in me is screaming out for something delicious and beefy.

But I'm proud of myself. I haven't felt this relaxed in a long time. Meditation really is incredible. If I were going to prescribe one thing to anyone reading my blog, take some time to yourself for just 15 minutes and your day is incredibly more stress-free.

Ahh. Now it's time to go to bed.


Unknown said...

I suggest Rodizio grill....for all of that meat you are craving!

Graydon said...

I second that suggestion! This would be a great first time to go!