Wednesday, October 6, 2010

well i tried to stay away. still trying.

Hello world. Guess what? I have been on facebook again. Is that bad? I wouldn't have seen Mindy's awesome wedding video if I didn't nor what Mindee and Jerry and Tayden have been doing, nor how Michelle is feeling nor what lovely links Graydon and Brad are posting.

Maybe these are all excuses but I really have missed being able to see what my family is doing. My dad is even on facebook now, and he has the funniest jokes sometimes. I felt kind of weird when my dad was more updated on facebook than I was! But I've decided that in moderation it's not so bad. If I'm on it all the time then I always begin to overanalyze everything.

This weekend Graydon and I are flying out to San Diego to visit Mindy and George. I am so excited to be able to see them both. We're planning on going to Disneyland on Saturday too. I hope we'll be able to make it to the beach as well. Last fall, Gray and I stopped at Huntington Beach but I didn't get to spend too much time there since it was a little cooler. We really had a great time going to Disneyland with our friends Jake and Ashley so we're looking forward to hanging out with Mickey Mouse again with our siblings. I think I'm really excited to see Mindy and George's apartment and just see how well they're doing. Mindy will be coming next week to Utah for Michelle's baby shower too so I get two weekends with her which is really rare. I just hope they don't ever move too far from us!

I've had a great week so far. Busy, but great. Michelle no longer works at the restaurant since she is so close to having Will so I've been kind of lonely. It's strange how much of a difference having a friend makes. She is someone I can count on. I can talk to her about anything. She is always sympathetic and I don't think I've ever felt like she was judging me even if I have done stupid things in the past. I'm so grateful for my siblings. Gray and I had fun watching Tayden the other night and I was glad to be able to be so close to Mindee and Jerry so that we were able to help out. It will be heartbreaking when everyone starts moving away :(

Sometimes I think I'd like to stay around in Utah, sometimes I feel like i want to raise our family elsewhere. But at the end of the day, Utah is a pretty rad place. I'm not complaining about how boring it is anymore, I actually appreciate how it's possible to have a great time here even though it isn't a huge city. We're not far from the mountains and I'm not complaining about the amount of snow we get: I love snowboarding in powder. I wouldn't mind teaching our kids some day how to ski (and in Graydon's case, water ski). I especially love that our family is always within driving distance. Holidays sometimes get crazy but it is possible for us to see everyone.

I think my blogs are increasingly more boring than they used to be. Maybe it's because there isn't much that goes on in my life? Or maybe it's because I don't make a fuss of little things anymore...I'm still not sure.

I'm still trying to stay away from facebook a little bit. Every time I sign in I get offended by someone...and there really is no need to be offended by an old friend deleting me or someone not responding immediately...they really are petty things. Although it stings for the first few minutes, I just have to shake it off. Friendships can only be cultivated in person anyway. I fail as a friend if I get offended for not hearing from them on facebook but then on the other hand never give them a text or call.

I will try to be a better friend.


Michelle Pearson said...

I miss you Marcie!!! I loved this blog. I feel the exact same way as you do! I hope to see you soon!

Unknown said...

That is great that you get to go see your sister!
I read the UtahBrideBlog a lot...(I really love weddings), and there was a video from Mindy's wedding posted yesterday. It was beautiful! Just thought I would let you know in case you haven't seen it!

Amanda Stewart said...

i know what you mean, i use to think utah was the most boring place on earth, but i'm starting to like it now. its good to be close to family. sorry if i don't respond on facebook quickly, i am bad at responding to everyone including my family. haha. but lets hang out soon!