Monday, September 20, 2010

day one

Here goes day one without facebook. It wasn't as hard as I thought it'd be. I guess I wasn't as dependent on it as I thought. But I also realized that I didn't get much done regardless of not being on facebook. I guess I did read the newspaper which I haven't done in awhile. I discovered that I could take voice-over workshops to become a commercial voice. I wonder how much that costs. It can't be cheap. I always thought it would be fun to have that as a job. Sit in a studio and talk talk talk. I'm not much of a big talker, but talking to myself in a sound booth doesn't sound too bad.

Right now I have two large canker sores in my mouth. It's been difficult to feel confident smiling or talking to people. I have chronic canker sores, I truly do. They come every 2-3 weeks. Sometimes more often. Sometimes a new one comes immediately following a healed one. This has been frustrating and I'm not sure if a visit to the doctor will reveal an allergy or something. I've been slathering on canker sore medicine but it doesn't seem to be working yet.

Well, back to my day without facebook and with canker went pretty well. I am kind of feeling like my mind is a little bit emptier. Not that I'm feeling dumber, but rather, my head isn't full of useless information about what other people have been doing. Usually I check facebook right before bed. Then I find strange people in my dreams (sometimes just faces) because I simply passed over a status update of theirs. There is also no second-guessing or misinterpreting when you avoid facebook. Instead of trying to decipher what people are saying in their status updates, I just have to wait to talk to someone face to face about it or I text them immediately without publicly showing curiosity about something.

So day one went well. I could have done a lot more, but maybe this is how I need to ease myself out of it. I am enjoying the small steps away from social networking, like slowly dipping into a warm bath. It's refreshing to have my head to myself for once. I like being able to think outside of the conversation, and for once I get to talk to myself without being distracted. I feel a lot more excited about preparing a lesson for primary this week. I think with this clear mind I might be able to find some better lesson ideas.

Tomorrow I am going to see how day two differs from day one. I am going to do a pilates reformer session with Missy Seawright. I met with her last week and she is offering free sessions. It was awesome. She is a great teacher and I felt wonderful afterwards. It's amazing how much you can do when you breathe just right. I spent an hour on that reformer and it didn't even seem long enough. I will tell you how it goes tomorrow.

Thus, ends day one without facebook. I would say it went quite well.


alex said...

Well because you're not on facebook I'll have to tell you here. Today, I was waiting for trax at the 9th east stop. There were two pigeons just sitting in the middle of the road and a car was heading fast toward them. They totally wouldn't move and I thought for sure they would die. The car honked their horn and swerved AND WHO WAS IT????? IT WAS VELVETEEN PANTS BOY!!!

Michelle Pearson said...

I need to get off of facebook too! Thanks for being such a good example! Love you!

alison said...

pilates! jealous. hopefully someone buys my contract soon so i can join you!

Marcella said...

alex: i guess my commenting on here destroys my plan to quit facebook but it seems to me that velveteen pants boy is stalking you! and michelley: i still feel like blogging doesn't make me much better than just quitting facebook and alison: you should start yoga with me! i'm going to take classes at daybreak once a week.