Thursday, June 5, 2008

been too denying

i haven't written any blogs in awhile. i just don't want people reading them and getting the wrong idea about things. but i have recently decided to move back to south jordan once my lease is up at my apartment.

i have already spent a lot of time away from salt lake. i'm not sure what it is...i like being somewhere new, somewhere close to school but i have found myself giving into pressures i never did before.

it's not that i'm blaming the city for changing me, in fact i felt like i may have never made certain decisions were it not for living away from home for awhile.

i love my family so much. and good friends are hard to come by. when i think that i have secured friendships with people, they seem to be nothing but conveniences created to my expense. not that i blame anyone, but i find that i only trust my sisters.

i am really happy with the current decision i've made, regardless of it making me out to be a homebody.

i've never thought that i was someone too scared to leave my home, rather, i knew that i had everything i needed already. i love to travel, i have it in my blood to want to be somewhere else. but when the time is right (and money too...)

i feel no regret for how things have panned out recently. it is difficult but i have learned to trust that i know myself and what is in store for me is going to bring me happiness when i do what is right.

i have come to realize that after nearly two years, nothing has changed. i'm still dying to watch rainy sunsets and read crappy advice from jones' caps. only six more months.

1 comment:

aaron said...

being a homebody isn't all that bad. i've been doing it for 2 years and i've turned out semi-normal.